Friday, April 17, 2015

1.1.3 The Summative Assessment Quest

My instruction follows the project-based learning model. Consequently, most of my summative assessments are project based as well. The following is a project-based summative assessment in which students use unit specific vocabulary and grammar to create an authentic product in the target language.

The validity of this assessment is ensured since it measures what students have learned through the unit. The unit is comprised of several lessons and mini-lessons. At the end of each one of these lessons and mini-lessons, students have completed formative assessments and received feedback on their performance.

The grading rubric guarantees this summative assessment's reliability. It is a very detailed rubric that allows me to grade student products with a high level of consistency. The following is the part of the rubric used to grade the writing portion of the assessment:

Regarding the security of this assessment, by the end of the unit I have a very accurate understanding of my students' performance levels in the different concepts and skills that are being evaluated. I would take the necessary actions if I find an abnormal discrepancy level in the quality of student work during the unit and the quality of work in the summative project-based assessment.

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