Saturday, February 14, 2015

3.1.1 Access to the Digital Community

Broadband access is, undoubtedly, a primary factor when analyzing access to a digital learning community. Researching this factor in my area corroborated my prediction that both availability and speed connection were above average. 

However, what it seems to be a barrier that could impede my students' opportunities to access digital learning is income disparity. I teach in a school district in which a high percentage of students qualify to receive free or reduced lunch. Often times, they share with me that the only way they can connect to and use the Internet at home is their smart phones. This, obviously, represents a huge limitation when they try to complete assignments and projects after school. In order to mitigate this barrier, I always try to find digital platforms, tools, and resources that will work on their phones. Additionally, three days a week, I am available after school at the computer lab for those students that have transportation and wish to take advantage of our school's resources. 

44.6% do not have broadband access because of cost (we can assume that not having a computer or an inadequate one is also because of its cost) 



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